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Wild Babies

Baby Deer

Safe Handling

Always wear a mask and gloves and avoid unnecessary contact.


Newborn fawns lack the stamina to keep up with mom for the first few days of life, so she will leave them hidden between feeds, returning every 2-6 hours. Fawns have no scent, which helps them stay hidden from predators. If you find a fawn curled up in the bushes, on the side of the road, or even a seemingly conspicuous spot, do not touch it. Disturbing the baby and leaving a human scent behind will leave it vulnerable to predation or abandonment.

If you find a fawn that is laying on its side with its legs stretched out, or it has been crying out for more than an hour, it has most likely been orphaned or abandoned. Take pictures of the fawn and area, follow our Wildlife Capture Guide and contact us for next steps.

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