Message from the Board
Three years of rehabilitating wildlife in need! During these years, the number of patients has increased by a remarkable 349%, from 192 patients in 2019 to 670 in 2021; with every indication that that this trend will continue. This increase in patient load demonstrates the need for our service while simultaneously highlighting challenges that we face as a small charity. But in all periods of adversity, we have opportunities; and our Board priority for 2023 is simple: Re-engage.
Work is beginning on a number of key projects focusing on community engagement, including public website renewal, coordinating education events, re-launching regular newsletters and blogs, and hosting public engagement fundraisers.
To support KWC in meeting these goals, our Board has undergone renewal as well. We welcomed Jeff Kohut, who was appointed as Board Treasurer last month. Jeff is an Assurance Manager at Grant Thornton, and brings years of experience in the Not-for-Profit Sector as well as a keen interest in public service, including his ongoing work with the Armed Forces of Canada. Jeff is a graduate of both Fleming College and Trent University with deep ties to this area, and a passion for our community.
We also welcomed Hallie Anthony who has been appointed to a new role on the Board, Director of Communications and Strategic Planning. Hallie is the Manager of Communications and Content in the Public Affairs department at the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA), a not-for-profit, responsible for leading various initiatives that support the association’s strategic goals where she oversees the development and execution of all content creation (website, graphic design, videos) and marketing/communications strategies, ensuring the timely development and release of all assets.
But we are looking for YOU!
Recruitment for selected Board members continues throughout the autumn. We are looking for passionate, dedicated members of the community to help guide Kawartha Wildlife Centre in our next chapter: learn more here.
With 2023 just around the corner, the future is bright!
Thom Luloff
Chair, Board of Directors
Patient 22-605
A young Great Blue Heron was brought in from Pinewood Cottages off the shores of Pigeon Lake. He has been with us since August 13th, recovering from injuries to the soft tissue in his right foot. There was significant inflammation through the wrist and foot, which quickly subsided with medication. But the lasting nerve damage has been slow to recover.
Treatment has included a regime of anti-inflammatory medication and pain management, with various braces supporting the ankle and digits to rehabilitate the foot. Condition of the foot and nerves is slowly improving, however for this migratory species the window for a successful release is shortening with cold weather approaching. Herons are piscivores, 95% of their diet is fish, so they have to migrate south of the Great Lakes in order to find consistently open water through the winter.
Fortunately we are able to partner with other Authorized Wildlife Custodians to ensure our patients have the best chance for a healthy return to the wild. The heron will be transferred to Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge later this month to receive Cold Laser therapy. This advanced treatment triggers chemical changes that help damaged cells and tissues heal and regrow.
Did you know?
An adult Great Blue Heron can (and happily will) eat up to a pound of fish per day! With an incredibly fast metabolism and ferocious appetite, it's taken a true village effort to keep our patient well fed. When we are able to purchase live bait minnows from local suppliers, such as Bridgenorth Sports & Marine and Gerry's Bait & Tackle, this heron can easily consume $15-20 worth of minnows per day.
Local community anglers have very graciously supplied us with a good amount of bluefish, pan and sunfish. We are so grateful for this support, as it helps keep the cost of patient care down. These fish also offer critical variety from his natural diet, which is more appropriate, nutritious, enriching and critical to his recovery.
Upcoming Events
Join us at the centre for a day of fall family fun! Proceeds from all KWC events directly support the wildlife in our care, and the hundreds of animals that come through our doors every year.
Seasonal Tips
Fall migration is well underway! For hundreds of species of birds this means a long and dangerous journey.
Navigating through human development and dense urbanization is incredibly challenging for wild birds. Light pollution can pull them off course and brings them closer to the windows and reflective surfaces that pose one of their biggest threats. Window collisions are a leading cause of mortality for many migratory species, killing 16-42 million of them annually in Canada.
Many birds do not survive the impact of a window strike. If the bird does survive the initial impact, it may be quickly preyed upon by roaming cats or natural predators. Even if it is only temporarily stunned and manages to fly away, many times these birds die later from internal bleeding or bruising, especially on the brain.
If a bird has, or you suspect it has (ie found grounded near windows or reflective surfaces), flown into a window, it will likely be suffering from a range of injuries, including broken bones, internal organ damage and very probable concussion or head trauma.
Gently contain the bird following our Wildlife Capture Guide. Keep it contained in a dark quiet spot to reduce stimulation, and contact us or the closest Authorized Wildlife Custodian right away.
Prevention is the best medicine, and research has shown deterrents save lives!
Visit for more details
In the News
Caley Bedore from Global News Peterborough joined us at the centre to learn a little more about what we do at our small facility.
Join the KWC Family!
2022 Memberships are still available until November 30, which includes an invitation to this years Annual General Meeting. Be a voice for wildlife in critical need and help us #KeepKawarthaWild!